Episode #1 - Building an Irresistible Developer Portfolio

Making sure they can't forget you

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At THE EMPLOYABLE DEV, Iā€™m on a mission to empower self-taught developers like you and me in their journey to becoming highly employable tech wizards. Whether you're diving into the world of programming through formal education, online courses, YouTube tutorials, or articles, this newsletter is your trusty co-pilot on the road to success.

What We Explore:

šŸŒŸĀ Deep Dives:
Into essential skills and knowledge to supercharge your employability.

šŸ’”Ā Motivation and Inspiration:Ā 
Stories of self-taught developers who turned a passion into a profession. Let their journeys fuel your own.

šŸŽ„Ā Curated Content:Ā 
Handpicked videos, articles and courses tailored to the core topic.

šŸ˜„Ā Fun Facts:Ā 
We sprinkle a bit of fun with memes, jokes, and intriguing facts because learning should always be enjoyable!

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Building an Irresistible Developer Portfolio

āž”ļø COMING UP
Hey There!šŸ‘‹

Today, we're starting a mission to make your portfolio stand out. We'll explore how to showcase your skills and experiences in a way that catches the eye and impresses potential employers. Let's make your portfolio something they won't forget!

More on than shortly. Hereā€™s what else youā€™ll find in todays newsletter:

  • A course focused on building a powerful personal brand and career toolkit to stand out and succeed.

  • A PDF guide on how learning in public can help you succeed

  • A video breakdown of three successful junior developer portfolios

  • and more

šŸ•µļøā€ā™‚ļø THE DEEP DIVE
Crafting an Unforgettable Portfolio That Lands You the Job

In the digital realm, your portfolio is your handshake, your first impression, and your opportunity to stand out among a sea of talented developers. In this deep dive, we unravel the secrets of creating an unforgettable portfolio that not only showcases your skills but leaves a lasting impact on potential employers.

  1. Tell Your Unique Story

    Learn the art ofĀ storytelling in your portfolio. From your first line of code to your latest project, weave a narrative that highlights your growth, passion, and commitment. A compelling story resonates and makes you memorable.

  1. Diverse Projects and Clear Descriptions:Ā 

    Showcase a range of projects to highlight your coding skills, adaptability and versatility. Each project description should articulate the problem you aimed to solve, the solution you implemented, and the technologies used. Providing a mix of projects with transparent explanations allows visitors to understand your coding journey and the impact of your work.

  2. Interactive and Engaging Elements:Ā 

    Elevate your portfolio withĀ interactive elements. From dynamic animations to live demos, interactive features can make your projects come to life, leaving a lasting impression on visitors.

  3. User Experience Matters:Ā 

    When your portfolio is easy to use and looks good on any device, it creates a positive first impression. AĀ user-friendlyĀ portfolio increases the likelihood of people exploring your projects, showcasing your skills and professionalism effectively.

  4. Personal Touch:Ā 

    Infuse your personality into your portfolio. Whether it's a quirky bio, a fun side project, or aĀ personal learning blog, adding elements that reflect who you are as a personĀ can create a genuine connection with visitors, making your portfolio unforgettable.

  5. Contact Information and Resume Link

    Make it easy for employers or clients to reach out. Include your contact information prominently, and if you have an updated cv/resume, provide a link.

By mastering the art of creating an unforgettable portfolio, you're not only showcasing your technical skills but also your creativity, personality, and commitment to excellence.

Curate Your Portfolio to Showcase Your Best Work

When it comes to portfolio presentation, strategic curation is key!Ā Resist the urge to overcrowd your showcase with replicas of online course projects.

Instead, take that irritating thing in your daily routine or hobby. Solve it! Create something that takes care of that annoying problem. You end up with a cool, unique project that fixes a real headache for you and others. Plus, you can show off your problem-solving skills. And when you talk about it in an interview, it's the kind of passion project that can really impress employers.

If you do use course projects in your portfolio, ensure you extend and improve it to an unrecognisable extent. Recruiters have likely seen these projects on hundreds of applications. šŸ„±šŸ„±




A fantastic video that breaks down why portfolios matter, using three real examples that actually work. The video makes it clear that there's no strict rulebook for making a portfolio ā€“ it's all about what works for you. Instead of stressing about making it perfect, focus on making small improvements over time. And here's a tip: if you're looking to impress recruiters, make things easy for them! Share links to demos and give them detailed info about your projects. Keep it simple, keep it effective!



šŸ‘‰ iCodeThisĀ - Daily projects you can build to improve your coding skills!

šŸ‘‰ Frontend MentorĀ  - Professionally designed challenges help you gain hands-on experience writing HTML, CSS, and JavaScript. We create the designs so you can focus on the code and see your skills skyrocket!

šŸ‘‰ Developer Portfolio RepoĀ - A massive collection of real world developer portfolios all in one repo.


As we explore the importance of crafting standout portfolios in this edition of the newsletter, remember that your portfolio is your digital identity in the tech world. It's not just about showcasing skills; it's about telling your unique story.

Embrace the opportunity to stand out and make an impact. Your portfolio is the key to opening doors and leaving a lasting impression on potential employers.

So, let this be your motivation to curate a portfolio that reflects your journey, passion, and the amazing work you're capable of. Own your narrative, and let your portfolio be the gateway to your tech success!


Did you know that recruiters spend an average of six seconds reviewing a cv/resume? The good news is, portfolios can capture much more attention!

A visually appealing and well-organized portfolio can provide recruiters with a comprehensive overview of your skills and projects quickly. So, as you enhance your portfolio, remember, those seconds countā€”make them impactful!


If you've encountered a resource that has revolutionised your coding journey, we want to hear from you! Your contributions could be featured in upcoming editions, enriching our community's learning experience.

  • Found a Gem: Share an enlightening and insightful article, video, course or website.

  • Success Stories:Ā Share your coding successes, big or small.

  • General Suggestions: Share topics youā€™d like to see a dedicated newsletter for or even a new section within.

How to Contribute
Just Reply to this email with any of the above points. We believe in the power of community wisdom, and your input can make our newsletters even more valuable!

šŸ™Ā See you next edition šŸ˜ƒ

The next edition will be delivered to your inbox on:

Ā Thursday, 16th February 2024